Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Just met with Dr. Spray.  All went well and her heart looked good.  She is extubated and getting situated in her room. We will see her in about 30 minutes.  Overnight is most critical. Keep up the good work, Team Zoe!  It's time to recover!


  1. That is simply awesome! The HPC sector of Team Zoe is praying - for her, her doctors and the entire family!

  2. Positive energy and white light still streaming strong straight to Zoe and CHOP. Keep up the good work, Zoes! And thank you to Dr. Spray and the incredible staff there!

  3. WOW! Extubated right away?!?!? Amazing...have been out of the loop after having baby #3 but am catching up now...been thinking a ton about you all knowing August was your Fontan month...lots of love and support, Molly, Brian, Haven (HRHS), Ronan, and three-week-old Tommy
