Saturday, June 12, 2010

Safe and Sound

Well, we made it! The flight from Philly was uneventful. Zoe wore her nasal cannula, which pumped oxygen into her nose, the entire flight (pulling it out more than once) and maintained good color with only a few bouts of blue. When we arrived home, Emerson was already there to greet us. She'd torn into her toys and began making a big 'ol mess. I have a good feeling the house will be a mess for several months to come.

Life is hectic, but we couldn't be happier to be home.

Mommy, Zoe and Emmy had a chance to relax on the couch for a bit. And, yes, mommy felt as tired as she looks!

Zoe had her first Arizona cardiology appointment and was quite cooperative.

The doctors did worry us, however, with Zoe's "high risk" status due to the clotting and continued shunt narrowing. We were given instructions on what to do in case of an emergency. I asked the doc if a clot in her shunt is fatal. The answer I knew was coming, did in fact come..."yes." The aspirin and Lovenox injections are very important for Zoe and will be continued until her second surgery. We've been instructed to call CHOP in 2-3 weeks to schedule her second surgery for mid to late August. In Zoe's case, the sooner the better. We'll be following a strict home monitoring protocol which is intended to reduce inter-stage deaths.

There is a ton to do around the Lihn house. Currently, I'm not certain how all of it will get done, but it will. Somehow, someday. For now, we're just enjoying our beautiful little girls and making the best of each and every moment.

Please continue sending happy thoughts and prayers for Zoe (and her mommy and daddy could use a few as well.) Caleb's mom continues to struggle. She was placed in a skilled nursing center, but this morning was taken back to the hospital for worsening confusion and delusions. We're taking this a day at a time and will have to figure somethings out in the near future - as Caleb is her only child and power of attorney.

Unfortunately, we won't be able to have any visitors any time soon. Zoe's condition is much too tenuous and any viral/bacterial infection could cause major problems for her. She'll be a bubble baby for the next several months. We'll continue to post photos so ya'll can see our warrior on a regular basis.

Thanks and much love.



  1. Welcome home! You're all amazing. Honestly. Just by being. Give Caleb an extra hug from me. Bless his heart, as if he isn't going through enough. I'm so sorry. Let me know if there's anything your G&K IT Family can do, okay? Seriously. Glad you're home! The positive energy will surely reach you and the fam easier now that you're closer! :o)

  2. Jack/Barbara DunningJune 14, 2010 at 12:23 PM

    Hi Stacey...

    Welcome home to all, especially Zoe! We just found your blog and wanted you to know we are thinking about you. We are so sorry for Zoe's ongoing complications, but that just means she will have a healthier, happier life later. We are convinced of that.

    Also sorry to hear of your husband's mother's situation, and hope that improves as well. We'll be watching the blog for progress.

    Jack and Barbara Dunning
