Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Overnight

Zoe spent the night in the CPRU last night, as did Mommy. Zoe had a very restless night and refused to sleep until 4 a.m. Unfortunately around 1 a.m., Zoe needed a blood transfusion. Her hemoglobin increased, as they'd hoped, however, since we are flying home and her saturations will drop at higher altitude, they wanted her to have a boost of red blood cells. So, from 1 a.m. to 3 a.m., Zoe received a transfusion which included hourly vital checks. Poor babe was NOT pleased. She rocked in mommy's arms for several hours.

Around 4 a.m., mommy and Zoe were able to get some rest. By the time the nursing shift change occurred at 7 a.m., Zoe's discharge papers were in the works. And mommy started snapping Zoe's discharge portraits.

By 9:30 a.m. we walked out the doors of CHOP. Awe, such a great feeling!!!

We are very pleased with the outcome of this visit. Zoe did great and her doctors are happy with the results. We were in contact with Zoe's local cardio, Dr. Stock, who was very happy as well - and ordered us to eat a cheesesteak for him.

Today, we've been attempting to manage Zoe's pain. She's been quite uncomfortable and I'm glad we have another day of recovery before hopping on a plane. Sometimes she can be extremely fussy - who can blame her - she has two cath sites, one in her right groin and one in her neck. Poor princess!

Zoe did not want to be locked up in the hotel room today, so we did a lot of walking around University City (where CHOP and the Univ. of Penn campus are located). The weather was perfect today - a nice change for us Arizonans.

We ended the day with a beer at New Deck Tavern and cheesesteaks (hey, Doctor's Orders!)

Tomorrow is another day of rest and pain management for Zoe, so I assume we'll be doing a lot of walking and enjoying some of our favorite sites in Philly.

Thanks again for keeping up with the Lihns. We really appreciate all of the love and support (as always).

Lastly, a couple of pics from yesterday:


  1. <3 Beautiful little one. I'm glad it went well, though sorry that she didn't get to sleep as much as she would have liked. What a trooper! (Both of you)

  2. Oh, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the discharge pic of Zoes. Man, that kid is gorgeous!!! Hope you get a GREAT night of sleep tonight! xoxo

  3. Zoe very well might be one of the CUTEST kids in the world. She is so adorable. I'm so glad that you are happy with everything and that it went well. Safe travels home!!

  4. Cute pics! Glad that everything went well. Praying for safe travels home!!

  5. She is so beautiful! So glad that everything went well. Enjoy the great weather for all of us stuck in AZ. Hugs to you mamma an another successful mission accomplished.
