Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Massages and Make-up

Those of you who see my Facebook status regularly know that Emerson learned about massages yesterday. She witnessed me massaging my own back. She asked "what's wrong, mum?" I told her that my back hurt and that I "needed a massage." A few minutes later, she was rubbing her back, saying "we need massages, my back hurts."

Well that was yesterday...

Today, I went into work. After getting myself ready, I gave Zoe her meds, made breakfast for Emerson and pulled my pumping parts together for a day at the office. I should've known Emerson was up to no good after several minutes of silence. I'd left her in my bathroom and told her I was going to make her a bagel.

A few minutes later, after far too much down time, I summoned her to the kitchen.

Emmy came trotting down the hallway, head held high.

"Honey, what is on your face?"

"Make-up, mum! Make-up!"

Upon closer look, it appears Emmy mistook mascara for lipgloss.

Great, massages and make-up. I've created a monster!


  1. OMG!!!! How stinking cute is this!!! Ha!!! I did this one time when I was a little girl only I got into my grandmother's jar of Vaseline and rubbed it all over my hair. I came prancing out to the living room shouting, "pretty!" Everyone got a good laugh over it but my mom was less than thrilled when it was a week later and she was still shampooing grease out of my hair.

  2. Aww! That's too cute! Maybe daddy will overhear and mommy will get a massage for Christmas??? ;)

  3. Love it!! Maybeyou can give Emmy a massage and she'll give you one in return! Then you can give her a lesson in make up application. Although, maybe she's starting a new trend?!

  4. LOVE THIS! There is not enough coffee in the world for mornings like this lol. Tell Caleb he better learn how to give a good massage!

  5. Maybe she just wants to be a Goth Baby Kid?

  6. Caleb said she is a mix of goth baby and the joker.

  7. This was great to read, thank you
