As we hustled to get Emmy out the door this morning (and Zoe ready for Papa's house), I made sure to get a few pictures of Emmy on her first day of school. This year, Emmy is attending a Montessori school that focuses heavily on science - Black Mountain Science Academy - where much of the focus is on microbiology. With Emmy's love of Doc McStuffins and her fascination with Zoe's constant doctor visits, perhaps this'll prime her well for medical school.
Who knows, maybe both Emmy and Zoe will go to medical school. Don't think it's possible for Zoe? Think again - check out this amazing story of Tom Glenn, shared by his mom, Terri, who lives in Chandler, Arizona!
Of course, as soon as I picked up Emmy today after work, I asked her to tell me three things about her day. I figured I wasn't going to get much when she stared at me blankly and said, "Uuummm..."
So, with much prodding (and Papa's help), here is what I got:
1. Emmy played with her new friends Abigail and Maddie.
2. Emmy went to the playground.
3. Emmy did puzzles.
4. Emmy did not eat all of her goldfish at lunch.
5. Emmy learned "criss-cross applesauce" but is unsure why.
6. Emmy lost her sandwich container.
7. Emmy did not "pee on the potty" because her teacher didn't tell her to.
8. She did not see Arik.
and last but not least . . .
They do "flag" during "circle time." (What flag you ask, "the Obama flag!" I said, Emmy, you didn't say that in class did you? Her response, "no, I was quiet.")
So yes, she may be in preschool, but she's also apparently doubling as an Obama campaign staffer.
We'll see how tomorrow goes - so far, so good!