Another trip to Philadelphia this summer, let alone, this year, was certainly NOT expected.
Zoe's cardiologist in Philadelphia reviewed her latest echo and compared it to her previous echo and catheterization. She concurs that Zoe's heart function is low normal and believes that both PAs (the left pulmonary artery and right pulmonary artery) may be narrowed. To what degree is hard to tell with just an echo. She does not believe her aortic arch has changed since her last cath, and hence, nothing to be done at this point regarding her arch.
The game plan is this: schedule an MRI and catheterization in Philadelphia. Our best case scenario is that the MRI shows little to no change and/or no immediate intervention needed. If the measurements are good we will cancel the cath; if the measurements are worrisome, Zoe will undergo a cath with the intent of ballooning open her pulmonary artery/arteries. The cath attending will be in contact with Zoe's surgeon during the cath and they will devise a plan. If Dr. Spray believes the PAs are in decent shape, he will make the call to not proceed with intervention, as he can make any corrections during her next open heart surgery. If he is uncomfortable with the measurements taken during the cath, the cath attending will balloon open the PAs in hopes that they will hold. If not, a stent will be placed in one, or both, pulmonary arteries.
The MRI and cath will be scheduled back-to-back so that Zoe will undergo anesthesia only once.
We are awaiting a call from scheduling at CHOP. Zoe's cardio submitted the paperwork for testing in a "month or so."
The realization that we will be returning to Philadelphia has not yet set in. The realization that my baby needs additional, unexpected treatment is more than unnerving. Like always, we will take it day by day.
For now, we wait for a date to mark on the calendar.
I spoke to Zoe last night and told her we were going on a trip - a trip to visit her birthplace. I hope she grows to love Philadelphia as much as Caleb and I have. I pray that the feeling of HOPE overrides the fear we feel each time we return.
They say a positive attitude is muy importante in times like these. Zoe certainly keeps the positive train in gear!