We decorated with chandeliers, flowers and tulle and sprinkled the party scene with photos of Emmy. All of Emmy's friends and family showed up! Some of which we hadn't seen in awhile.
Everyone enjoyed a puppet show with Desi (aka Grandpa) and Lucy (aka Grandma.)
After the puppets, cake was served. It hurt me a little to cut into that beautiful masterpiece! When Caleb and Paul went to pick up the cake from the bakery, people were impressed. One woman yelled, "Look, that cake is wearing a tutu!" and another patron busted out her blackberry for a photo. I'm glad it turned out so well!
The kids enjoyed the playroom which ultimately survived the rampage.
Guests wore fabulous tutus...
And even the boys wanted to join in on the fun. (Who could blame them?!)
Afterwards, Emmy opened all of her presents. I didn't think she'd enjoy it too much, since she's only 1, but she loved it. When all the presents were opened, she wanted more!
Aunt Steph and Uncl Paul helped Emmy break in her new tea set.
Then, it was time to let Emmy loose on her "smash" cake. Even though she started off slow, she eventually managed to cover herself in pink frosting.
Overall, Emerson's First Birthday was a success. God only knows what we'll come up with next year!
Wish I could have been there! The tutus were sooooo cute!